JLR Kings Sanctuary offers luxury in the wild. This is an Eco-friendly 5 Star Deluxe jungle resort in Karnataka spread over 40 acres of landscaped gardens and mango orchards at the very edge of the Nagarahole National Park (Rajiv Gandhi National Park). The accommodation features a mix of adobe – style cottages and suites. Each spacious cottage and suite has a living room and an air-conditioned bedroom tastefully decorated using renewable resources like cane, weeds and banana fiber.
To remain true to the spirit of eco-tourism the resort has used renewable resources/established a solar water heating system, a sewerage treatment plant that apart from recycling the water for gardening, prevents contamination of groundwater. Water harvested during the monsoons rains is used to replenish the man-made lake. Integrating the tribal folk into this conservation effort by offering them employment has been a key objective of this venture. Silent generator meets the standards for sound pollution control.
For Bookings Contact: +91-8884 467 467 / 98451 18000 or Click here for Reservation